This is a professional assistance to the client in finding a solution to the problem situation of psychosocial, emotional, behavioral and other difficulties. Psychological counseling is a short-term work aimed at achieving by clients their actual life goals.
This is an effective therapeutic practice that helps a person to understand himself, the structure of his psyche and thinking, as a result of which it becomes possible to start functioning at a different, higher level of personal organization, already without the use of painful symptoms.
Psychoanalysis is the most humanistic method of psychological assistance, allowing you to most smoothly and carefully reveal your personal potential and find your own answers to the most important life questions. The psychoanalyst, on the other hand, does not bring anything of his own into the client's psyche and is only a reliable guide to the world of the unconscious.
Usually the first meeting is an introductory consultation, where we get to know you, clarify the essence of the problems that led you to the appointment, discuss expectations from psychotherapy and decide on its format.
Entering psychotherapy is a gradual process. The second and a number of subsequent sessions provide an opportunity to feel how you feel in the process of psychotherapy. This is the so-called "diagnostic" part of psychotherapy, during which the therapeutic relationship is established.
When the decision to undergo psychoanalytic psychotherapy is made, we proceed to the main part of psychotherapy. As a rule, the duration of psychotherapy depends on the structure of the client's personality and his request. Motivation and internal readiness for change also play an important role.
This is a very important and responsible part of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can be considered truly complete only when deep changes have occurred in the client and when the client and the psychotherapist agree that at this stage these changes are sufficiently stable and it is possible to put an end to this.